Frequently Asked Questions
Click a question below see our answer.
1. What does the cost of camp cover?
2. Are discounts & financial aid available?
3. Do I have to pay in full when signing my child up?
4. How much should I put in my child's store account?
Preparing for Camp:
5. What happens after I sign my child up for camp?
6. Are there any forms that need filled out when we come to camp?
7. What should my child pack?
While at Camp:
8. How are campers supervised?
9. How do I contact my child while they are at camp?
10. May I pick my child up from camp early?
11. What if my child gets sick or hurt at camp?
12. My child has special dietary needs. Does the camp have options?
13. How are medications dealt with?
14. What does Penn-York Camp believe?
15. May we have a tour of the campus?
16. Not finding what you are looking for? Please contact us.
1. What does the cost of camp cover?
We provide your child with lodging, food, caring counselors, and a safe environment. Campers will be able to enjoy a huge selection of age-appropriate activities and will not be bored while at camp. Plus, as a thank you for registering, we will give your child a $10 credit to the camp store account, a T-shirt, and a camp photo.
3. Do I have to pay in full when signing my child up?
No. There is a required deposit of $25. This non-refundable deposit is required to secure a spot for your child and discounts.
Total Payment: PYC requests that the total cost of camp be paid before arrival to help speed up the check-in process.
4. How much should I put in my child's store account?
The average is between $20 and $30 on a campers store account. Remember, as a thank you for registering, we will give your child $10, so anything you add will go on top of that. $20 easily covers buying snacks and leaves some left over to purchase a few larger items. Parents will have the opportunity to go through our camp store when they pick up their children on Friday, so additional purchases can be made then. Note: Penn-York Camp will refund unspent camp store money but will not refund the $10 credit given by the camp.
Preparing For Camp:
5. What happens after I sign my child up for camp?
You will receive confirmation that your child is registered, and twenty-one days prior to the start of camp, we will send you a reminder email with an information packet for the camp for which your child is signed up for. The email will also include forms that should be filled out and brought with you for the check-in process. Those who sign up within twenty-one days days of camp will receive the email immediately.
6. Are there any forms that need filled out when we come to camp?
Yes. There are several forms that will need to be completed before you drop off your child for camp. These forms are completed during the registration process. If you miss them, they will be emailed to you once registration has begun.
7. What should my child pack?
We send out information packets, by email, 21 days prior to the start of camp. These info packets will have a packing list included with them. We also try to get these info packets up on our website, and if they are available you can find them under the information for each camp.
While At Camp
8. How are campers supervised?
Upon arrival at PYC, every child will be assigned to a cabin for the week. Every cabin has both a counselor and a counselor in training (CIT). Under the leadership of the counselor, each cabin will go through daily activities together. The counselor will maintain cabin unity, look out for the welfare of all the campers in their cabin, and share the love of Jesus Christ with each camper. The CIT will be there to assist the counselor. Campers will always be with their cabin units. They will not be allowed to do activities on their own, nor will they be given free time to wander camp doing whatever they may choose. This close interaction builds friendships, helps maintain cabin unity, and keeps the campers safe.
9. How do I contact my child while they are at camp?
We encourage parents to send their children mail while at camp. This can be done either by email or snail mail. We ask parents not to call their child while at camp as this often causes the child to become homesick.
To email your child, send an email to PYC with your child's name in the subject line. We will print off your email and give it to your child.
Send Emails to:
To send snail mail to your child at camp, mail your letter to PYC to the attention of your child. We will deliver your letter upon receipt.
Snail Mail to:
Penn-York Camp
Attn: Camper Name
266 Northern Potter Rd.
Ulysses, PA 16948
10. May I pick my child up from camp early?
Yes. However, PYC needs to have this information in writing by the beginning of the camp week. That way, we can make sure that your child's belongings are packed and ready to go. Parents who are coming to pick up their child early should come to the camp office to sign their child out. Please come directly to the office. PYC staff will then escort the child and their belongings to you.
We are aware that last minute, unexpected events may require parents to pick up their children earlier than planned. If this is the case, the parent will need to call the PYC office and make camp aware of the situation. The parent will check out the child at the PYC Office. Please do not enter the main campus without checking into the office.
11. What if my child gets sick or hurt at camp?
PYC has a health officer on staff at all times. The health officer is responsible for overseeing the health of the campers and staff.
If a child obtains an injury requiring professional medical assistance, they will be transported to a hospital, and the parents will be contacted immediately. Once the parents are contacted, they will be responsible to meet the Penn-York Camp staff at the hospital and to take charge of all medical decisions.
If a child gets sick while at camp, the health officer will contact the parents to make them aware of the situation. Note: If the health officer decides it is in the best interest of the rest of the campers and staff for a sick child to go home, they may require the parents to come and pick up their child.
12. My child has special dietary needs. Does the camp have options?
Yes. If your child has special diet requirements, give us a call. We would be glad to discuss menu possibilities for your child.
13. How are medications dealt with?
When you arrive at camp, all (prescription and over the counter) medication will be handed over to the health officer. You can discuss the requirements for your child's medication with the health officer. The health officer will be responsible for making sure that your child receives their medication. When you pick your child up at the end of the week, their medication will be returned to you.
Note: Penn-York Camp may allow a child to keep their medication or give their medication to their counselor to keep if it would be dangerous to their health not to have the medication near them at all times. (Inhalers and EpiPens for example) Parents and children still need to report these medications to the camp health officer upon arrival at PYC.
14. What does Penn-York Camp (PYC) believe?
PYC is a non-denominational Christian Camp on a mission to develop dedicated followers of Jesus Christ. Summer Camp is one way that we pursue that mission. While we are committed to making sure your child has an incredibly fun week of camp with tons of activities and adventures, our goal is also for them to experience the love of Jesus here. While your child is here, they can expect to experience caring counselors who love Jesus and are at PYC to serve Him. They will hear teaching from the Bible, and the salvation message of how Jesus took our sin on himself at the cross, and how by believing in Jesus and accepting by faith His sacrifice on the cross, we can be saved. Counselors will be available to pray with your child and help teach them to search the Bible for answers. Campers will also have opportunity to spend time in God's word and to pray. PYC is a great place to unplug from the many voices this world is constantly bombarding us with and just be still to hear God's voice.
Our Mission Statement and Statement of Faith can be found here.
15. May we have a tour of the campus?
Absolutely! However, parents need to call ahead to schedule a tour. For security reasons, we may not be able to give a tour of camp if you just show up here and ask for one.