Support the ministry of Penn-York Camp
Developing dedicated followers of Jesus Christ by building
spirit, mind, and body in a natural setting.
Ways to Support PYC
Why give to support the camp?
Penn-York Camp is a non-denominational Christian camp that has been serving the greater NY/PA Twin Tier region with Summer camps and year-round ministries. We have been located in Ulysses, PA, for the last fifty years. We also offer facilities, camping, and challenge course rentals to help support our mission.
Penn-York Camp is a non-profit 501c3 organization managed by an elected board from the Penn-York Camp Association membership.
Penn-York employs several year-round staff as well as seasonal high school and college aged staff during the summer. We maintain several buildings, a pool, a challenge course, and over a hundred acres of property available for summer campers and year-round visitors to enjoy.
Costs have risen over the years, and while we charge for our summer camp, we strive to keep costs as low as possible. Camperships are given to kids who could not otherwise afford camp.