Penn-York Camp
& Retreat Center
Our Mission
The mission of Penn-York Camp is to develop dedicated followers of Jesus Christ by building spirit, mind, and body in a natural setting.
The Purpose of Camp
The purpose of camp is to fulfill our mission of developing dedicated followers of Jesus Christ by pursuing ministry engaging youth, young adults, area churches, and our local communities. It is our desire to provide a safe, natural environment for individuals, to support the ministries of the area churches, and to be an asset and light for Christ in our local communities. It is our calling to cultivate our facilities to be a place where people can encounter Jesus Christ in a natural setting, and our goal is to move Penn-York Camp towards low cost and/or free options for camp use within the parameters of our mission.
The Three Areas of Influence
We see the purpose of camp to be focused around three key areas:
Youth and Young Adults
Area Churches
Local Community
As we seek and develop camp-run programs and partnerships with other groups, we will place the highest priority and most resources towards those things that target and minister to as many of these areas as possible. We intend to evaluate all ministry opportunities through this criteria in order to ensure we keep our focus on our overall purpose.

Youth and Young Adults
Over 50 years ago, the ministry of Penn-York Camp was founded for the purpose of providing Christian summer camps for the youth in our area. Summer camp will always be one of our primary mission fields, and we recognize that our ministry is not only to the campers but also to the young adult summer staff. These staff, who often having grown up coming to camp when they were younger, dedicate their summers ministering to those campers. We seek to develop those campers and staff as much as possible, both during summer and year-round. We want to minister more to youth and young adults year-round, especially those in our area churches and local community.
Area Churches
The Penn-York area is broad and we have partnered with churches from as far away as Rochester, Corning, and beyond. We seek to support any Christ-following, Bible-believing church within our sphere of influence as much as we can. This includes providing facilities for church and pastoral retreats, any programs an area church may desire to hold at our facilities, or events that may include us away from our grounds. We especially want to partner with churches to serve youth and young adults in our local community.
Local Communities
While churches partner with us from far and wide, we especially want to recognize the needs in our own backyard. We seek to be good neighbors, build relationships, and help out organizations like fire departments, local law enforcement, civic organizations, and more. Our goal is to minister to the communities branching out across Potter and nearby counties. We especially want to help our local community’s youth, young adults, and churches.